Fallout would be my best RPG ever.Best Rpg ever ''...''
All of the Pokemon games.
this is tje easiest answer ever: Final Fantasy 7!!! No competition!!!
This game eats FFIII for breakfast and craps out Chono Trigger.
Yes... I don't think so... Grandia's way better FF is a bit repetitive, although it was a very good game
My favorite is also the first one I ever played... Phantasy Star on the Sega Master System
Chrono Trigger or Skies of Arcadia
Chrono Cross, Legend of Dragoon, and Valkyrie Profile were all pretty sick also... but FF7 still is the best!!!
FF 7, legend of the draggon, Chrono Cross.
[QUOTE=''famicommander''][img]http://www.megalong.com/games/ig/2497.jpg[/img] This game eats FFIII for breakfast and craps out Chono Trigger.[/QUOTE]Ys: The oath in Felghana. Simply the best.
Hm...It's kind of a huge tie between Final Fantasy VII, Xenogears, Chrono Trigger, and Legend of the Dragoon. All four games were amazing in their own way. If I had to choose one, though, I'd choose Final Fantasy VII or Xenogears...I can't choose between those two!
3-way tie between FF12, Crisis Core and Dragon Quest 8.Persona 3 is also pretty high on my list.
Chrono Trigger and Earthbound
It's a tie for me, between Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions, FFXII and Pokemon Emerald.
Tie between these:
Morrowind is my favorite game of all time.
Dragon quest VIII
This one's been asked quite a lot. You're going to get a flurry of different answers, all dependant upon when the person got into playing RPGs.I've been at it since around 1989 or 1990 but didn't really get into the thick of the genre until the SNES came around. Barring a long 10-year hiatus from gaming (1996-2006) of course.Even with the plethoria of RPGs the PSX/PS2 has, I doubt too many of them will come close to the one ''I'' feel is one of the best around.
I speak specifically of Final Fantasy VI (or III if you wish to go with how it was released Stateside)
I actually bought that one on release week back in late October 1994, but didn't seriously sit down and play it until a couple years later.
It was the last RPG I played through before I took that aformentioned 10-year break from gaming, but now when I look back at it, I couldn't of though of a better way to end that phase in my gaming life....two months of it. That game had lots of memorable moments, characters who had a lot more depth and were more believable than many of today's that follow set stereotypes, a story and world that literally immersed you and didn't let go until you logged some 40 to 60 hours, start to finish.
That's just me though. I personally don't feel there's a 'best' out there. Each game has its thing about them that clicks with people and makes it a memorable playing experience.
I'd love to see a list of the absolute worst RPGs out there in existance. I can easily name a couple.
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