Final Fantasy X. One of my favorite Final Fantasys, but Tidus...he was just annoying.Best game with the most annoying chracte ...
Tales of Eternia - all of the characters are annoying, that's why I've never finished it
I love the sonic series, accept that irritating voice of tails.
Also DOA some of those characters aren't that appealing to me.
Jak and Daxter were great games with an annoying character, I think you know who I'm talking about. Daxter was annoying but thats what made him such a great character the fact that he would crack a joke every now and then for light hearted entertainment.
MGS2. Between Raiden whining and rose calling every min and a half to complain, I hated that game.
Mud in Gothic 1 though there is a funny conversation when you beat him down once and talk to him again. :D
FFX with Tidus, and Vaan in FFXII when you have to go around town saying you're Basch.
sword of mana o_O
[QUOTE=''Legendaryscmt'']FFX with Tidus, and Vaan in FFXII when you have to go around town saying you're Basch.[/QUOTE]Come on, that was awesome.
need for speed underground 2... that announcer dude
Ape Escape 3 fro myself. Every time the characters came on screen on spoke I wanted to make myself deaf. The voice acting was awful.
Zack and Wiki. Why must I be punished for dying by being forced to listen to ''ZACK-U!!!'' :evil: ?
StarFox all the charecters are annoying except Peppy who actually helps you.
Disgaea 1 and 2 .... oh boy...I mean... did anyone NOT want to hit Flonne with a brick in a sock by the end of it , hey ?
Sonic Adventurescrew amy, big, and tails. I didn't care for knuckles' new voice either
;) I agree... any of the recent Sonic games get my vote, especially the ones which really ''try'' to give the characters ''personality''
the worst and annoying character is Vaan from FFXII.
but then the game also sucked.
I'm thoroughly surprised that no one has mentioned Navi from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Seriously, she only helped me with Z-targeting. But, her consistently annoying call and her consistently useless advice makes me want to mute the TV.''Hey!''''HEY!''''HEEEEEEY!''''Listen!''''Did you know that you can press the B button to swing your sword?'':
|[QUOTE=''HardcoreKiller2'']Final Fantasy X. One of my favorite Final Fantasys, but Tidus...he was just annoying.[/QUOTE]Agreed HE IS SO LAME!
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