Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt PAL music ...

Hey guys.I got my cart of Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt in the mail today.I'm Australian, so it's all PAL stuff.As soon as I started playing, I noticed that the music is about 20% faster than what I think it should be!Is there any reason for this? Is this normal?Let me know!-Jack Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt PAL music ...
Was it like this? Duck hunt: Mario: The music is fast in these too so it must be normal. In this Mario video: the music is going very slow, so Super Mario Bros must have different speed music depending on the level, even if it's the same song.Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt PAL music ...
Ok my game sounds like this when the new level starts: think the 3rd link that you posted there is from a different cart.It's really weird to be honest!
Hmm... The only other possibility I can think of is that your Nintendo may be overclocked, and that could speed up the music in games. That's the thing with buying retro gear, if something weird happens then you don't always have the chance to get a refund or get it replaced. Early last year I'd bought an Xbox with dozens of cheap games and extra controllers. The console was brand new and I had over 50 games so even though the games were relatively cheap (? here, 10 there) it all added up and at the end it came to hundreds of pounds. I had it all less than a year and after a few months something weird kept happening with my analogue sticks. If I was walking as a character then it would suddenly slow down speed which was bad for time trials. In fps's sometimes turning left would turn at the normal speed and right would be slower, which was bad for online games like BF2. I tested everything I could to see what was causing it but I got nowhere. It happened with all three of my brand new sealed controllers in numerous games so it wasn't the games or the controllers. At the end I had to sell it all for much less than what I payed. I couldn't replace the console to see if it was that because no one sold them anymore by the time this all happened. But yeah, I do know what you're talking about with your game, it must do your head in considering it's an old Mario game in itself on the NES which could do your head in anyway with all the sfx. Who knows what's causing that...
Nah it's not in my head sadly.And I don't think it's over clocked because every other game works fine.
[QUOTE=''Skater710''] Nah it's not in my head sadly. And I don't think it's over clocked because every other game works fine. [/QUOTE]You didn't mention that your other games work fine in your opening post. It must be the games then. Maybe the cartridges have been knocked around during it's lifetime.
Ahhh my bad. I thought I did.It's all good, I'm getting the person to send me a different cart so hopefully this one will work.
[QUOTE=''Skater710'']Ahhh my bad. I thought I did.It's all good, I'm getting the person to send me a different cart so hopefully this one will work. [/QUOTE]Have you tried blowing into the cart? That fixes everything else.
Haha...Yeah ''fixes''.

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